Monday, March 7, 2011

In like a Lion...

You know the saying about March being like a lion or a lamb? Well, so far, my March is off to being like a Lion! I've been waking up in the night, at least once for pretty much every night the last week. I'm starting to get sick again, so far just a bad cold. My dad has also been sick, so let's hope I don't get it as bad as he was!

I am still very intersted in Sophie's kennel and crawl my way to it any chance I get!

Just enjoying some cereal with my dad:)

I did manage to sneak in some quality time with my dad this past week and weekend, which was great because before we know it, he's going to be super busy at work and working late and on weekends, and then I won't get to see him as much.
We love to play tickle monster...

I was finally getting him back...

I LOVE to stare out the window and see what's going on outside, but especially when my dad is out on the deck too! I just kept pounding on the window trying to get his attention.

And the stairs...oh, the stairs! I hardly even stay content with my toys downstairs for too long, before I decide I want to race up the steps! I can do it really well on my own, and I'm even starting to get the hang of going down, but definitely not quite on my own and dad are usually just a few steps away in case they need to save the day...

I'm not quite big enough to ride my Wheely Bug the correct way yet, so I've made my own way of using it:) I push it backwards and walk all over the living room with it

This is where Danika the Diva (or devil:) comes out! When I don't get my way, or can't get something to go how I want it, I get awfully sassy!
In this particular situation, I pushed the wheely bug into the wall, and couldn't figure out how to get it turned around...

Yep...still not giving up! I can scream as long as it takes to get my way!
(Lord help my mom and dad...they are in for trouble!)

I know, I make it sounds so awful...aside from my 'Lion' like 1st week of March with getting a cold, working on new teeth, running a fever, not getting my way and getting frustrated easily and screaming, I did actually find time this week to put a smile on my face:)

On Sunday, mom and I joined great grandma at her church- today is her birthday so we wanted to spend some time with her and have lunch with her...Happy Birthday Great Grandma Val!

Well, that's my week in a nutshell...although the weather is supposed to be very lion-like this week, hopefully my attitude is not:) Tonight, I was very out of sorts though and was running a fever again, so we'll see!
I hope everyone else is happy and healthy this week!
Love, Danika
(Daren & Jamie too!)

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