We've been doing the usual summertime activities... fairs, sprinklers, art projects, play dates, fairs, music in the park, fountains, bike riding, fairs, outdoor movies...and did I mention fairs?!!?! :)
I think we've been to 4 county and/or city fairs this month, which has been a blast for Danika going on rides, and us for fair food:)
Haddie is doing pretty well with her leg. Her splint ended up sliding out of place and so we had to go back to the dr. unexpectedly to have it removed. They took an x-ray and it looked like it was healing nicely, so instead of another cast or splint, he let us just do a boot for the last 2 weeks. It's been great because we can take it off for baths/showers and when she sleeps at night...Unfortunately she got a horrible blister on her heel from the splint so we've been dealing with trying to let that heal, but we go back to the Dr. on Thursday and (fingers crossed!!!!) she gets to be done all together and back to her usual, non-stop on the go! I will say though, since we've had the boot it's almost like she is back to normal...she can walk with it on, climb up the stairs (although she shouldn't!) and tons of other things she did pre-broken leg.
We are enjoying every minute of summer and can't even believe July is just about gone and August (and school:/) are around the corner!
Daren & Danika ready for the ferris wheel...
Who needs a pool when you have an irrigation system and sprinklers to run though?!? :)
One of the many 'fairs' we went to! Danika loved this slide...
...and loved this one even more! (Can't wait for the MN State Fair slide!)
Aunt Lori & Miles came over and we did a project together, so Danika needed a project of her own to work on
Ms. Determined to do everything, even with a bum leg!
Danika went to a Princess playtime at the Family Resource Center...Her favorite part was making the crown and dressing up!
And it was haircut time! We took a couple inches off and boy, did it make her look so much more grown up
Fun at the Children's Museum
"Look at my new hardware!" (the boot)
Dancing Queen Danika at dance class (in the black leotard and pink skirt)
This stubborn, independent, strong-willed child will cause me gray hair before too long...but boy-oh-boy is she worth every one...she's so stinkin' cute and she knows it!
Her latest food obsession is plums! She'll eat every single bite of it, so I have to be on hand to make sure I get the pit out before she gets that too!
Drive-in Movie night!
(We'll talk about the newest purchase in the background in another post later this week....)
Fountain fun!
Even Haddie was able to get in on the fountain fun and splash around
Music in the Park...both girls had SO much fun dancing along to the music!
(Haddie isn't in the picture, but Danika is the one in front with the heart shirt on, mid-twirl when I snapped the picture:)
Yesterday we went to what else but....a fair! We watched Chloe show and lead her calf and then Danika went on rides with her cousins...
The strawberry twirling ride...
Action shot of the waves:) Merry-go-round with Madeline!
and another action shot:)
They had so much fun on the rides together, it was fun to watch:) Thanks to Grandma Lynn and Papa for the ride tickets!
Well, that's the latest and greatest around here! We do have one more post about our most recent purchase that will be coming later this week when I get time to upload pictures ...which most of you reading this already know what it is, but if you don't, I'll keep you in suspense until then...
I couldn't decide on which video to post...I had a cute one of Danika dancing at dance class, but ended up choosing this one of her and Madeline on the Dragon rollercoaster. They are sitting in the very front and once in a while you'll hear a scream as they get whiplash going around the corners:) It's not the clearest video, but you get the idea...
Have a great end of July and start to August!
The Dummers