Sunday, February 17, 2013

Could it be? Three!!!

Feels like yesterday I was sitting in my grad class with some 'stomach cramps' and just a few short hours later got one of the greatest gifts of my life:) And here we are 3 years later and my little 6 pound peanut is now such a unique little person! She is beyond any expectations I ever had about what my child would be like (good and bad!) The tantrums ... a little WAY worse! But the love...more than I ever imagined possible! She is like Daren and I in many ways, but is also very much just herself, Danika Jolee Dummer! She is creative, compassionate, and a wonderful big sister:)
We were able to have a few small birthday celebrations this week. The night of her birthday some of our Dummer family came over for cake and presents and on Saturday my mom, sister, & grandma came over for pizza and again, cake:) Hope she someday realizes just how lucky she is to have SO much love!

She got an art easel from us and has enjoyed using it. She has really been into coloring, drawing, painting, and anything creative! She tells me "I'm an artist" :) Aunt Lori should be proud!

The big boy cousins helping sing and blow out the candles! 
No, we didn't forget about Haddie this week...She got to partake in all the party fun and family love too:)
Hard to believe she passed the 11 month milestone this week! (Her monthly picture will have to wait until next week, we've been a little busy:)
Danika 'reading' to Collin 
More cake! 

The timing couldn't have been better for a snow day! I was lucky enough to have the day off thanks to 4 inches of snow:) So Danika and I had a special birthday together...we went sledding and to the Children's Museum, which she and Haddie both really enjoyed.
Snow angels... 

Our big 3 year old also had her very 1st dentist visit. She's getting over her stranger anxiety for the most part, but is sometimes still a little shy, so I was nervous about how she'd act.
Well, thankfully Daren was able to meet us there and of course, Dad can make any situation comfortable and safe:)
Talking about all the tools with the hygenist... 
Dr. Rosenberger checking out her teeth... She said it's looking good and that Danika should keep up the good work brushing and flossing! (Hopefully she continues to be so good and willing about doing it!)

Three year old Danika likes: DORA (I'm convinced it's a cult or something! How do they get so addicted?), PINK! art, quesadillas, blanky (as well as 5 others she has to have at bedtime), being the boss, being a helper, singing, dancing, reading, and her favorite person- her dad (surprise, surprise!)
Three year old Danika dislikes: being told NO! That's about it, but it's a big one:)
Thanks to any of you who sent birthday wishes her way this week...
Here's the big girl:
Newborn, One, Two, & Three!
Love, The Dummers

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy Helper

Here we are again on a wierd weather sunday blogging about what we've been up to:)
This week's blog is all about my little BIG helper Danika...
She enjoyed helping me make chocolate velvet cupcakes. And Haddie wanted in on the action too..
Putting the liners in the pan...
Filling them with batter.... 
Topping it all off with sprinkles...
And the real test- getting to taste them! I think she liked it:)
(I will say Daren and I were NOT fans! I tried to be 'deceptively delicious' and made a bunch of foods containing beets, these cupcakes and frosting included. Danika couldn't tell, but we could and it just didn't quite taste like a normal cupcake)

Last weekend we had extra special visitors... Lori, Mike, and Miles came to spend the night. Danika was in baby heaven and was truly intrigued and a great helper with Miles. She would just sit near him and watch and talk to him, and if he started crying she would carefully put his pacifier in his mouth

He looks like a natural:)  
Danika didn't just enjoy Miles, but Auntie Lori and Uncle Mike too... She set up a full on tea party, complete with cupcakes and ice cream:)
Danika also continues to want to help with her sister... This is where I could use a little LESS help sometimes:)
For instance, at 5:15 in the morning when Haddie wakes up crying & talking and Danika feels like it's her 'helpful' job to go in to Haddie's room and turn the lights on to greet her sister (who of course smiles her biggest smile right back at Danika:) 
This has been happening a little too frequently for my sleep deprived self! They're lucky they are so darn cute!
Haddie the explorer!
I thought I'd let her play with the bag of potatoes while I made supper- not the cleanest thing, but definitely not the worst in the kitchen either!  She seemed to like how it felt on her gums since she's been teething... but
She wasn't so sure once she actually bit into one...
I don't think she'll be running back to it anytime soon!
Haddie has taken quite a few steps here and there, but she seems a bit lazy to really get at walking without support, and I'm OK with that:)
Her favorite thing lately is to walk from chair to chair, using her activity table on the way... she just goes from one chair, around the play table, and to the next chair and back again:)

We have a special day to celebrate on Thursday in this house... yes, of course Valentine's Day like the rest of the world, but I lost that 'romantic' day for couples three years ago when a spunky little girl came into our lives! Ms. Danika is very excited this year and when I dare to take her to a store with me she finds about 50 things she says she wants for her birthday. She keeps asking 'Is it Valentine's Day yet?!?!'
"How old will I be?"
"Oh yeah, 3, that's big!"

"Oh my goodness, that's only 4 days away!" 
Oh don't cry Haddie, your birthday is right around the corner too!

Have a great week, filled with LOVE!
Love from us,
The Dummers