Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Month of Thanks...

We have had a terrific month, and so much to be thankful for.
As much as we love our children and couldn't imagine life without them, we also LOVE and are thankful for our much needed and deserved adult time too! Earlier in the month, we got to celebrate Mike's birthday and enjoy that adult time in Madison for a Badger was a blast!

We also have been very thankful this month that Daren finished up the harvest for the year, and has been home in the evenings. It's allowed for all kinds of fun, including eating our supper on the chair bus:) Haddie's driving...Yikes! Watch out:)

As we talked this month about all we are thankful for and what we can do for others, a funny coincidence happened. Danika and I went shopping at the dollar store for gift items for her 'Operation Christmas Child' shoe boxes she was packing for needy children...While we were there, a lady walked up to us and said she noticed what a good, kind girl Danika had been and was wondering if she would like a drawing lap desk? We were both a little unsure, but the woman went to her car and brought in a brand new, in the box, lap desk...apparently she bought it as a gift and never gave it, so she was going to take it to Goodwill, then noticed us in the store! Danika was very excited about it and I thought it was neat for D to be a part of an act of kindness:)
Here she is in bed, drawing a picture on her new lap desk! 
And here is Danika in action the next day packing her 3 shoe boxes full of goodies!
 We also got to see the new 2nd floor children's museum exhibits this month! 

Danika continues to love drawing, coloring and creating...
Here is one of her latest masterpieces! I had never seen her draw a person before, so I was pretty impressed:)
It's supposed to be a picture of Daren (and some other misc... stamps along with her name)

Both girls got haircuts this month, but it was a big deal for Hadster because it was her very 1st!
She actually sat really still as she was taking in her surroundings.

The finished "do"!
She had her bangs trimmed and the mullet in the back cut off to make a nice, neat bob cut:)

She's as cute as always....
and still a trouble maker!
"If you won't give it to me mom, I'll find a way to get what I want myself"

Best buds 
Thanksgiving morning Daren and I always to the Turkey Trot...we thought we'd attempt to take the girls with us this year. Don't they look excited about it?!?!

Yeah, not at all. We signed up for the 5 mile and after much screaming by Haddie and "I'm cold"s by Danika, we decided to veer off course and hopped in with the 2 milers to finish as quickly as possible. Not an enjoyable experience!  I guess now we now for future years:)
We kept the tradition and went to get our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving! It was a little chilly, but could have been worse.
Family photo...or wait...the girls didn't quite make the cut I guess:)

Dad and his helper, on a quest for the perfect tree
These poor girls have been non-stop on the go all 5 days of Thanksgiving break...They were zonked out on the drive home from visiting with my Grandma!

After a nap, some play time and baths, these cuties were ready to help decorate the tree
Danika was SO interested in decorating the tree this year. I thought she'd either get bored with it, or get frustrated if the ornaments didn't stay in place, but she worked so hard and helped empty both boxes of ornaments! 

The bottom of the tree is very beautiful:) 
We hope you had a wonderful  November full of Thanks, and have a happy (minimally stressed out) and family filled December!
The most wonderful time of the year:)
The Dummers