Happy Sunday...again!
What a wonderful 5 stay at home days I had with mom and dad and a whole bunch of other family members too! Can't believe it's already Sunday, but that's how it goes...time flies when you're having fun.
We started our 1st day off on Wednesday doing some visiting-Daddy went hunting at Great Grandma Val's so mommy and I went to visit Grams for a few hours. Daddy saw a little 4 pointer, but other than that he didn't see anything, and had a pretty unsuccessful hunt this year:(
For Thanksgiving on Thursday we started our day bright and early doing the 'Turkey Trot' 2 mile run/walk. I was pretty good in my stroller, and the weather was nice! Embarassing for mom to say she couldn't handle running the whole 2 miles though, when just 6 months ago she ran a half marathon! BUT...I guess that's what happens when you have a stubborn baby in your belly!
Then we went to the farm and Granny came there too and we feasted with all our Dummer family! I loved playing with cousin Chloe!
On Friday we kicked off the Christmas season by getting our Christmas tree! Granny came along too, so it was a fun experience watching daddy cut down 'the one' and taking the wagon ride to and from the field. When I woke up from my nap and they had it up in the house, I wasn't all that curious or interested in it...mom and dad were a little worried I'd bother it and try to take off ornaments, but I think it might all work out and we won't have a tree with ornaments only at the top!
Saturday and Sunday we relaxed as a family and did some other holiday decorating at the house, a little shopping, had the Kuehls over,went to church, visited great grandma Dummer, and recooped from all the festivites!
Here's a few other snapshots from our week...
Yes, I still love to sit on the potty...and yes, I still JUST sit! No potty yet, but after Christmas we will offically start 'training'!
I hope everyone reading this had a great Thanksgiving too....as I said last week, we've got SO much to be thankful for!
Love, The Dummers