As I say every time I blog, it's been a busy this case 2 weeks! Last week was Vacation Bible School at our church so that consumed much of my time last week. Danika and Haddie hung out with dad and Great Grandma most of the evenings while I was at VBS, but Danika still got in on the fun during our final evening program. She danced on stage like she learned and had practiced the songs all week long!
Last weekend we went to the Colfax fair to see Chloe show her calf...unfortunatley we got there right at the end, but we were glad we got to see a little bit! Then we looked at some of the other animals and went on a few rides....
We also celebrated Father's Day with Daren. It's hard to tell from the picture below, but we surprised him with a sprinkler system! It was something we talked about, but I went ahead without telling him to make it somehwhat of a surprise...So Danika helpe me draw soem sprinklers and grass on the driveway and we wrote 'Happy Father's Day' so he could see it when he drove in!
The day they came to install Daren was able to take off work and so he enjoyed watching them. They came around 7:30am and were completely finished by 1pm.
Lovin' it:)
Daddy and his girls:)
Ms. Haddie also turned 3 months old! She is doing great and changing every day! She weighs about 14 lbs 2 oz. now- She's a little thinner than Danika was at this age, but still has those healthy chunky cheeks like her sister did:)
"I just want to roll over mama!"
She is rolling all the time now! I can't keep the girl on her back! She rolls both from back-to-belly and belly-to-back, but she usually only goes over her left shoulder.
Her neck is getting so strong now too and she keeps her head up for extended periods when she's on her belly:)
Ridin' in the tractor with dad cutting hay:)
Danika the Diva!
She has been SO animated lately and really remembering details and things you tell her. She LOVES to sing and dance and she makes up all kinds of new songs...I really want to get that on video to share, but everytime I try to turn it on she stops performing...hopefully someday I can catch her in action without noticing me!
We are currently in the process of some intense potty training at our house. We've been slowly introducing it since December and she used to sit on it really well for us- Then along came Haddie and it all went downhill:/ She would still go 3-5 times at daycare, but she'd refuse to sit on the potty for us at home. After taking some advice from friends about what's worked for them, we went straight to underwear on Monday and are sitting on the potty every 20 minutes! We had 6 accidents the first day (including one on the carpet at the public library) so it's a pee-all-over-my-house week! She ended up going twice on her potty and once so far today, so we'll hope it only gets better. She usually goes in her underwear about 5-10 minutes after we have tried on the potty, so we may have to adjust our timing... She's been more willing since we pulled out her little potty again vs. sitting on the big one and she can choose where she wants to sit on it, and she also gets to suck on a sucker while she's trying to go (nice bribery huh?!?!)
Here's a desperate moment from yesterday- She woke up from nap VERY grumpy and completely refused to sit on the potty, but I knew she had to go because her pants were dry, so we compromised- she could watch one episode of Cat in the Hat if she sat on the potty- so of course the potty had to be ON the counter near the TV:) Say what you least I got her to try!
We hope everyone is enjoying their summer and the great weather!
Until next time...
The Dummer's