Monday, June 11, 2012

Haddie's Big Day!

The highlight of our past week was Haddie's baptism yesterday. This little peanut is growing and changing every day! We couldn't feel more blessed to have her (and her big sis). Not a lot of words today, but here's a look at our week in pictures:)

Danika, the cool cat entertaining her sister:) 

While Daren and I cleaned for the baptism party we had to move the chairs off the kitchen floor, so he showed Danika how he used to play school bus and he got out the Wii wheel and she had a blast driving her babies and friends around in the school bus of chairs:) 

Saturday night we were lucky to have the Percy gang stay at our house so Danika enjoyed her time with her cousins. She even hopped into bed with them on Sunday morning and we had to get Haddie in there was too cute of a picture opportunity! 

Sunday was Haddie's big day! She was a pretty good girl, like most days:) Our guest pastor at church, Dr. Martinson did a great job with the service.
Haddie's godparents are my sister Heidi and Daren's brother David. She is lucky to have them and we are honored and grateful they agreed to be her godparents! 

Our attempt at a family picture...Danika was in quite the mood yesterday:/ Sorry to anyone who experienced her wrath of moodiness! She eventually came around once the party started:) 

Lovin' her Coldstone ice cream cake...who wouldn't?!?! 

As we all know, Daren is as much of a kid as the actualy kids:) He not only got right into playing with them, but he started the water fight with the hose! 

Uncle Daren with the nieces and nephews (and Danika too!) 

One final thing for this week's short and sweet blog post...Danika loves to play the piano and lately she's been belting out her favorite songs while she pounds on the keys...Jesus Loves Me was the favorite this morning, so I had to catch it on video...enjoy!

The Dummers

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