The last two weeks have been wonderful with our new bundle of joy, but also quite an adjustment for all 3 of us. Between the lack of sleep and feeling like a non stop milk machine, it's been interesting! The hardest thing has been being bound to the house pretty much all the time...the few times that we have ventured out, it's been a good thing that we both went so there was back up when Danika started screaming! I'm not brave enough to take her out on my own yet, so we're just enjoying some quality time at home. She has been such a blessing to us and definitely worth the sleep deprevation:) She is truly a miracle and a gift from above! It sounds crazy, but we are already noticing her growing and changing! At her 1st dr. appt. she had gained 6 oz. from her birth weight already! She's a good eater and is getting chipmunk cheeks:)
She loves to make this face! We call it her zoolander face! She puckers her lips & looks all around!
What made you decide on the name Danika Jolee? (Dan-i-ka) When we looked through the baby name book and thought about names we had heard before, Danika was one that we both agreed on instantly, and we both liked the idea of having a D or J name. Jolee is my middle name (lee) combined with my sisters middle name (Jo).
When will you return to work? Daren has spend these first two weeks home with us, which has been heaven sent! Friday was my first day home alone with Danika, and starting Monday, he will go back to work full time. I will be taking 12 weeks off of work, which sends me back around May 17th to finish out the last 3 weeks of school...then we'll have all summer together. Our plan is to start daycare mid-August to get Danika (and probably more so me!) used to being apart after our near 6 months together!
Where will Danika go for daycare? We found a great in home daycare provider whose children attend the school I teach at and they live close to my school, so it will also be very convenient. She was recommended to us by a co-worker.
If you're in the area and want to come meet, or say hi again to our little peanut, she'd love to see you and I'd love the company too:) That's all for now, but more to come next week!
Daren, Jamie and Danika