Saturday, February 20, 2010

It's a girl! And she's a cutie!!

On Valentine's Day we were blessed with the early arrival of our new daughter, Danika Jolee. It was quite a whirl wind. Jamie started having a few contractions on Saturday night which we didn't think much of, even though they were much more intense than previous episodes and were enough to wake her up frequently during the night. It was my weekend to help with chores and she had her graduate class at UWEC so we both went our separate ways on Sunday morning never thinking that we were going to be parents by the end of the day. Around noon I got a call from her telling me that her contractions had not gone away and she had been timing them while sitting in class all morning. They were occurring about every 12 minutes and not going away. Being the stubborn person that she is, she told be she was going to try and tuff it out and just rest on a couch outside her classroom and see if they would go away. They didn't. They just got more frequent and more intense. About an hour later I called to check on her again and she finally decided it would be best to go home. I met her at home around 2:30 or so and we started timing the contractions while she tried to rest. To my surprise they were every 5 minutes apart! We called the hospital and they told us that as long as her water had not broken we could stay at home if we wanted to for a while longer. I thought to myself, "Are they serious?" They obviously didn't think she was as far along as she really was. So I went and walked Sophie and when I got back Jamie told me the contractions were about every 2 or 3 minutes apart. That was enough for me. We called the hospital and told them we were on our way. When we walked into our room at the hospital I looked at the clock and it was 4:03pm. They checked Jamie once she managed to get her gown on and she was already dilated to 9cm! At 5:08, Danika Jolee was born. She weighed 6 lbs. 13 oz. and was 19.25 in. long. She was our special Valentine!

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