Although I've been a busy girl the last few weeks, I don't have many pictures to show for it! It seems like the camera is always in the place where it might get used, and never does!
Anyway, I'll tell you a little bit about what I've been up to...
Last weekend was girl's weekend. This was my 2nd year in attendance:) Mom and I went with all the ladies from grandma Lynn's family- So I got to hang out with grandma and my aunties Lori and Lisa, great aunt Jan, Great-Grandma Spielman, and Leslie too. We rented a house in Brule, WI on the Brule River and Lake Superior. It was beautiful! We relaxed and played games and I got LOTS of extra lovin' with all those ladies around!
This past week, I attempted to help mom with my 1st cooking experience...we made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. I tried to help mix, but the job I was the best at was licking the beaters:)
And of course I had to sample the finished product:) Nothing beats a warm cookie, especially when the chocolate melts all over my hands!
On Thursday, we went to Granny's house to celebrate my cousin Cameron's 7th birthday! We went swimming at the pool, grilled out, opened presents, and had cake and ice cream too! My boy cousins sure loved having me around and they wanted to play with me and show me the toys, books, was pretty cute the way they thought they could corral me to do what they wanted...they obviously don't see me often enough to know that I am Ms. Independent:) But I did have fun playing with them.
The birthday boy!
I had a birthday hat too, but I kept trying to yank it off my head~
Other than that, no big events around here...
I had some friends from daycare come and spend 2 days with me so that was nice to have someone to play with besides my mom! I love to play outside and I can do everything on my slide by myself now.
I climb up the back...
I stop at the top to stand up and spin my wheel round and round...
Then I slide down! WHEEEE! It almost gets too hot to touch when it's in the sun, so today we brought it into the living room and that was a pretty special treat for me!
Tomorrow is August and that means that summer is pretty much over already for mom! With moving to a new classroom, getting new curriculum, and having her largest class ever, she's going to be busy getting ready for those anxious kindergarteners this month! Starting this week, I will start going to daycare a little bit each week. Just 2 half days this week, but gradually more each week.
As much as I love my mom and she loves me, we are both very anxious for a change of pace:)
(Bless you stay at home moms out there...I don't know how you do it!!!)
I have started to talk up a storm lately! Many of my babbling sentences are unrecognizable, but upon occasion, you can understand what I want or what I'm trying to say. I have gotten really good at using my sign language for eat, more, please, and all-done!
Crazy to think I'm almost 18 months old already! Where does the time go?!?!
I hope you all have a happy start to August and I'll update you again soon:)
Love, Danika