Happy Sunday:)
It's me, Danika- The 'official' TWO year old!
I celebrated last weekend and opened most of my gifts then, but mom and dad saved one for me to open on my birthday this week....I got a bug tunnel to crawl through and I love it! It's the 1st thing I want to do when I come in the living room to play, and usually want to crawl through it before bed too!
I had my two year checkup with Dr. Stevenson on my birthday...luckily no shots, so that made it a little more bearable on my special day. My growth continues to be steady at about the same percentiles since I was a newborn!
Here's the stats for this big TWO year old:
I weigh 29 pounds, which is in the 89th percentile for other 2 years olds
I'm 34 inches tall, which is in the 53rd percentile
My head size is in the 63rd percentile
So to sum it all up, I'm pretty average:) Obviously my weight shows what a healthy appetite I have!
"Happy Birthday TWO me!"
Lovin' my birthday cupcake!
Of course I'm not a huge fan of being messy, so I was very careful and strategic about how I took bites:)
So what, you ask is this two year old like? Here's a little info about me these days (not to say that the likes and dislikes won't change at any point in time:)
Likes: running, jumping (especially on my bed!) playing in my kitchen, reading books (the same 3 OVER and OVER again!) ANYTHING Dora the Explorer or Cat in the Hat, taking care of my baby dolls, singing at bedtime, building with blocks/legos, coloring, painting, playing with playdough, and my 5 'must-haves at bedtime: 2 blankets, lambie, 'oo-oo' monkey, and bun-bun...yep, I notice when 1 of them is missing! And of course, I love being independent!
Favorite foods: scrambled eggs, oranges, apples, greek yogurt (yep, you heard right!), raspberries and strawberries, hot dogs, mac and cheese, chips and dip....really, do I need to keep going?!?! I eat pretty much ANYTHING and love it! I'm just like my dad- a human garbage disposal:)
Dislikes: Naptime at home in my big girl bed (naps are pretty much non-existent on weekends!) not getting my way right away (I know, I'm going to have an eye opening to that when my baby sister comes!)
What else can I do? I can jump with 2 feet off the ground, take my shoes on and off (with a little help depending on the shoe!) I can identify most colors, but I consistently know purple, pink, red, white, orange and yellow. I say some 5 word phrases, but mostly 3-4 word phrases...some of my favorite things to say (or at least the most predictable statements said multiple times a day!) are:
" No-no Sophie!"
"Watch Cat in Hat Mommy?!?"
"Read Dora book Daddy?!?!"
"Snack, milk please!"
"Baby diaper poopy-wipe please!"
And of course many more, but these are the ones we hear at least a few times daily!
As you know, this blog is very soon not going to be just about me! It is called 'the Dummer Family' after all, and our family is growing! I've tried to be a big helper for mom and dad as they have been washing and preparing all the things for baby. This week they washed the playmat, bassinet, and swing and then reassembled them and put them in there new permenant spots to use when baby arrives. I LOVE to push the music and sound buttons on the bassinet, crawl under the playmat and bat at the animals, and put my babies in the swing. The baby isn't even here yet and I've already heard the words " It's not for Danika, it's for your baby sister" more times than I'd like!!!! As much as I'm going to love her and enjoy being a big sister, I know it's going to be an adjustment to share my mommy and daddy, as well as all the 'things' in our house!
For now, mom and dad have been pretty good about letting me explore with my babies...I especially love to put my babies in the swing and push the bird sounds:)
We had a GREAT weekend together...want to know what we did?!?! NOTHING! I can't remember the last time (if ever!) that we haven't had anything going on. Mom and dad did lots around the house getting ready for baby and cleaning, but we still got to stay in our pajamas nearly all day and it was great! On Sunday mom had to teach Sunday school so dad and I ventured to the grocery store to do the weekly shopping and then we went to watch daddy play basketball Sunday night- otherwise we had some much needed, quality family time:)
My baby sister is due to arrive in just 3 short weeks! Mom is still measuring small and the midwives aren't 100% sure that baby is head down, so tomorrow (Monday) mom has to go for an ultrasound just to make sure things are OK- mom's been feeling pretty good and her blood pressure is great, and baby's heartbeat is great, so those are good signs that baby is still growing and doing fine- but still an ultrasound is necessary as a precautionary measure to check and see why mom might be measuring so small.
Well, that's about all I've got to share:)
Time to go to bed and get rested up for the week ahead!
Love ya~!
Danika and family
Danika and family