Guess who's 2 months old?!?!
This week Haddie gets to steal the blog spotlight!
Where did the last 2 months go? Last Wednesday Haddie turned 2 months old already! She is such a little person and I can't get enough of her smiles and coos! She loves to look and listen to mommy and Danika, and is starting to get more familiar with dad's voice too now that he's able to spend more time wtih her!
At her 2 month well-baby check today she got an A+... she's healthy as can be and growing like a weed!
She is in the 83rd percentile for both her weight and length. She is now 12 pounds 7 oz. and is 23 1/2 inches long. Compared to Danika she is about the same weight at this age, but she is much longer, so maybe she'll be taller than her big sister?
The downside of the check up was she started her rounds of shots:( 3 shots in her little legs... she was not so happy about it...she slept most of the morning and now this afternoon she has been less than happy- not her usual self. Lots of shrieking and shrill cries, which completely breaks my heart! Hopefully tomorrow she's feeling better and not so sore.
Other than the shots, she is such a calm, happy baby girl:) We love our little Ms. H and feel SO blessed every day to have our healthy, happy girls!
She LOVES that thumb!
Here's some frequently asked questions we've had the last two months:
"Is Haddie a lot like Danika was as a baby?" Yes and no. She has a lot of the same routine things, such as being a good napper and sleeper for the most part, but she already has a different personality. Danika never liked to be held and snuggled from the beginning and Haddie seems to enjoy being rocked to sleep and snuggling:)
"Do Danika and Haddie look alike?" Not really at all! She has the same little nose and upper lip, but otherwise her eye and face shape are completely different. Plus, she has so much more hair than Danika did at this age! They did both inherate their father's toenails though- sounds wierd and you may be asking how do you know? but trust me, I know! They don't grow out like normal, they grow UP! Yep, up! Poor girls probably aren't going to have much to paint when we have mommy/daughter pedicures when they grow up!
"Do you have to go back to work?" Not for this school year, but yes, I will go back midAugust for the new school year. So I get 5 full months at home with this little bundle and her big sis! Can't believe 2 of those months are already gone! We're going to make the most of the next 3 months, that's for sure. We really debated and talked about me possibly working part time and job sharing in the future, but it just wouldn't have been worth it, and I do love my job and can't imagine not teaching, so we will enjoy our summer's together and be thankful for my teacher's schedule to have as much time at home as I do.
"Does Danika's daycare provider have room for Haddie too?" Yes! Luckily, both girls will be able to go to Amy's house and we love Amy so we are very happy! Danika has a friend named Allie that is only a few weeks younger and it's been so great to watch them grow up there together these last few years...One of my friend/co-workers babies will also be going there in the Fall so Haddie will have a partner in crime too- Good luck Amy!
Daddy and his girls!
Here's a look at Danika's week...
You didn't really think I'd leave her out this week did you?!?!
She's her usual spunky self! LOVING the warm weather so she can play with her water table and be outside as often as possible.
She decided to empty the entire pantry practically and pack it in the cooler for a picnic:)
Catching bubbles!
Mom and my girls
Daddy's big girl helper who can do it all by herself:)
That's all for now....
The Dummer Crew