We took advantage of the warmer weather last week and dodged the rain showers and got some play time outside! We went to the park, went for stroller and wagon rides, and Danika did some bike riding, drawing with chalk, and her favorite activity of the week was getting out her water table!
Our 'not so baby' baby girl, Ms. Haddie just hanging out:)
When we were forced indoors because of the rain, we did some projects, including the messy, but much loved shaving cream painting!
Ready and waiting patiently to paint...
Danika, loved getting down and dirty with the shaving cream...
And of course she had to take a bath to get it all off...it was some pretty green, gross water when all was said and done!
All week long Danika was anxiously waiting for "Mada's birday party" Every morning she'd wake up and ask if it was the day- Saturday finally came and we headed to the farm to celebrate cousin Madeline's 3rd Birthday!
Cousins (minus Haddie) waiting to help open presents!
The birthday girl ready to eat her pink butterfly cake, and a cupcake too!
Grandma Lynn rocking with the sisters:)
These two hams had a blast together...most of the time! As with any kids the same age trying to play together, they had a very love/hate relationship...mostly love though:) It's so fun to watch them grow up together- they are 9 months apart in age.
And this was were Danika and Madeline spent a good portion of the afternoon- On the couch downing an entire bag of potato chips- just the two of them! Uncle MIke and Aunt Lori had a few handfuls, but I'd say the girls had a majority of the bag!
Auntie Lori with Connor and Haddie:)
We had a great week, and hope for a rain-free week ahead so Daren can get done with planting and we can look forward to him getting to spend time with his girls:)
The Dummers
Daren, Jamie, Danika and Haddie
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