Monday, May 14, 2012

Mama's Day!

This week Danika spent most of her time with mom!
 We went to the cities and spent the night at granny's for the 1st time since Haddie was born. The 3 of us shared a bedroom so I was nervous how Danika would sleep- luckily, she didn't wake up in the middle of the night when Haddie did...that is, until the 4am wakening- Haddie would not go back to sleep easily, so Danika woke up and neither of us went back to bed!
She wants to be a helper with EVERYTHING, which is good most of the time! She has been saying "I do it myself" a lot, but ever since big cousin Madeline's birthday party, now she's added the "I a big girl" part of everytime I try to get her dressed, open/close a door, get something out of the fridge, put things away, pretty much ANYTHING I do, she says "I do it myself, I a big girl now!"'s the big girl helping me make lasagna for supper!

This independence came in handy when it was time to make Granny and Grandma Lynn's mother's day gifts... We paintined and decorated tin cans as flower pots for them. Danika picked the paint, ribbon, and button colors. With a little guidance, she did them pretty much all by herself! 

Daddy helping put the flowers in the cans... (yes, we're still in our jammies:)

One of the finished products! 

After church we went to a park in Redwing, MN with my family for a picnic. Danika LOVED it. There was a huge playground to play on, various games, and many cousins to play with:) She played so hard, she left with a scratch on her face, a red mark on her arm, and a skinned up knee! One tough kiddo! 

Waving to the boats that went by on the river! 

Swinging with Daddy...SO glad he was able to come! He's just about done planting at work so no more weekends and late nights! (At least until July when pollinating begins!) 

Enjoying dessert with my cousin Collin! 

And of course we can't forget about Ms. Haddie! She's not quite as loud and active as her sister (yet!) so she doesn't get much of the blog spotlight. She is doing terrific. She really is a very mild mannered baby. She is growing SO fast...hard to believe that she'll be 2 months old this week! She really is doing lots of cooing and smiling, and she's even starting to make some giggles at mom and dad:)

Enjoy the HOT weather this week!
The Dummer's

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