After months and months of saving (and a little begging dad!) mom finally got the new camera she's been wanting, which means.... She's like the paparazzi and I'm her famous target:) are a few highlights from our week. Enjoy!
Time to Wake Up! Good Morning:)
"Mom, I'm unfolding the laundry...go away!"
"Really mom?!?! Don't you see I'm crying? Enough already!"
"Okay, I'm a little better now, but I'm still not giving you my best smile!"
"It's hard for me to stay grumpy! Especially when daddy is making funny faces at me!"
"I LOVE my Ritz crackers!"
"I LOVE to be naked! (And yes, that is a noodle on my belly!:)"
...And alfredo sauce in my hair!
"But wait...I"m not done yet! I can shove another mouthful in!"
Have I mentioned yet my obsession with glasses and mugs? Anything that makes me a big-kid and Ms. independent, I'm all over it!
I'm getting so big! I hang on to most things with just 1 hand and I walk along EVERYTHING! But I'm still not too sure about going no handed.
My favorite bathroom hobby when mom and dad have to get ready is to empty out mom's special box of 'paper'. Probably not the best choice, but it keeps me entertained and I love the sound of the special paper:)
My granny came down and went to church with my great grams and then they invited us to Culver's for lunch with them...YUM-MY! Then, we went back to great grams house and the grown-ups played a game while I played with all kinds of fun new things!
I mixed and mashed and whipped up all kinds of fun with gram's pots and pans! I even discovered that I can see myself in the bowl if I get it close enough to my face:)
Have a great week...Only 2 more weeks until I'm the big O-N-E!
Love, Danika