Another week flew by!
Here's a glimpse at Danika's week...
Counting her stickers! She's been (occasionally) using the big girl potty, letting us change her diaper (most of the time), following directions and doing her jobs, so she's very proud of her accomplishments:)
Daren continues to be busy planting corn- looking forward to when we get to see him for more than about an hour a day! We were lucky enough to have daddy home before bedtime a few nights this week, so he is the best at reading books at bedtime and saying our prayers!
I think Danika was reading and singing to Daren to put him to sleep!
We got outside (at least 1 day this week!) and Danika enjoyed painting the deck...amazing how entertaining water and a paintbrush can be:)
A big milestone for Danika this week was her 1st haircut! She's had some 'stranger danger' fears the last few months so I prepped her all day long for the cut and told her about how Georgia cuts my hair too and I get to sit in a big chair and look in the mirror, and that she would get a sucker too- but I was still nervous when we got there...She was really SO good; very quiet and calm as she was taking it all in, but she enjoyed it, especially when we pulled the sucker out!
"CHEESE" enjoying my sucker and my new haircut...No one except Daren and I will even notice her hair cut- It was just getting a little wild and she was starting to get a mullet so we just took a little bit of length off the back and trimmed the front- no hair cut will help her unruly frizzy curls though:)
We ventured out to the library this week to get some new books and play. Every since we got a "How do Dinosaurs..." book, Danika has been very curious about them, so she spent most of her time playing in the Dinosaur dollhouse!
And a glimpse at Haddie's week...
She had quite the shift in personalities this week- not just day to day, but hour to hour. She is getting more interested in looking and listening and is happy a lot of the time:
I even kind of was able to snap her smile on camera as she was cooing at me!
But she has also fully developed her 'fussy time' as they call it. People always throw around the world 'Colic' and I doubt that is truly the problem, but she definitely is fussier than Danika- usually every night from about 5pm to 9pm you can find her like this...
I always feel horrible when there is nothing I can do to comfort her, but I know eventually it will pass. I also know that the tough times during the day are a thousand times worth it for the happy times we have and the blessing and gift of this beautiful little girl:)
Lots of Love!
Daren, Jamie, Danika & Haddie