Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Where Did The Month Go?!?!

Here's a peek at a typical day at our house...

Danika can usually be found doing some kind of 'activity'. She loves to play with playdough, color, create, and paint!

Although Haddie has had much more awake time lately, she still likes her naps, and can usually be found snoozing either in my arms or in her swing. 

And even Sophie enjoys having us home- can't you tell?!?!
She love her naps too:) 

Danika continues to want to be a helper with Haddie (sometimes too much) but we'll take that over being mean to her! She loves to help me give Haddie a bath...she pulls up a chair and waits patiently for her turn!

Of course she's still Daddy's helper too...every night when Daren gets home she asks (after watering the tree:) if they can feed the birds, so that's their usual routine. We've been getting some beautiful birds by our window feeder and Danika gets so excited when she see's them! 

On Sunday evening Grandma and Papa Dummer and great grandma came over and brought us supper. Of course Danika enjoyed the chocolate pudding and chips the best!

We officially have a 1 month old!
In some ways the last month has felt like 6 months, as we try to adjust to our new normal, but overall it has flown by and Haddie has already grown and changed! She is her own little person and we are so in love with her:)
I've been telling you about all the weight she lost and howI wa so happy when she finally got back up to her birth weight...well don't feel too bad for the little peanut- at her 1 month checkup yesterday she weight 9 lbs 15 oz, just 1 oz shy of 10 pounds!!! I knew she has gained, but I was a bit surprised! That's great news to know that she is finally getting enough to eat though. For her height and weight she is in the 75th percentile, meaning that 25% of kids her age are taller and weigh more, and the rest are shorter and weigh less. She is about the same as Danika was with her weight, but she's taller than Danika was at 1 month.
Everything else went great at her checkup...no shots until next month!

Here's a few 1 month pictures of Ms. Haddie- of course Danika had to get in on a few too! She's laying on her quilt that Grandma Lynn made!

(So crazy to see how big Danika is compared to Haddie-
Amazing how fast they grow and change in 2 years!) 

Here is Danika at 1 month old...

And Haddie at 1 month old...
(They definitely are different kids!)

And to end the blog...a glimpse at our week via instagram photos:)

Danika LOVES her new wagon (thanks to the Percy's!) we have gone up and down the sidewalk SO many times! It will get lots of use this spring and summer... 

Have a great Week!
The Dummers

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