Monday, September 23, 2013

Vomit, Fevers, and Coughs...Oh My!

Yes, that's what fun and excitement has been going on at the Dummer household for the last 5 days! Haddie work up Wednesday night and vomited....twice. So Daren stayed home with her Thursday and she continued to get sick....all-day-long. I think they both had about 3-4 clothes changes (never done so many loads of laundry in 5 days!) No fever or much else at that point (aside from a mild cold/cough that she's had for a few weeks). Well, after 3 nurse calls, we almost had to go into the ER to start IV fluids for dehydration...the poor girl couldn't keep down even an ounce of water:(
But the 3rd time was the charm and we switch to 1 tbsp. of water every 5-10 minutes, and she was able to hold that in. I stayed home on Friday and then she started to run a high fever. We again called the doc, they gave us some ideas of how to help her, but didn't really need to see her, since she was having somewhat-wet diapers and keeping some liquid down.
Saturday, I thought she was on the uphill, as she was able to keep more than just water and saltines down...BUT she threw up once in the morning and once at nap time, and again, her fever returned:/
Sunday, pretty much the same story of low appetite, very cranky and unhappy, and that darn fever that I couldn't break.
Last night she woke up coughing and vomiting 4 times, so we knew there was more than just a 'virus' going on here...
Well, Today Daren stayed home in the AM and I came home at lunch time to again stay home with her. Daren took her to urgent care this morning and turns out she has an ear infection, and some symptoms that seem to be possibly the onset of pneumonia:(
Luckily, she's on an antibiotic now so hopefully it really, truly is uphill from here!!!
Long story short, I have 2 pictures that I took this entire week (and only from my phone)
So exhausted and under the weather, that if mom's not going to pick her up, she's just going to stand next to me...well, even that is too exhausting so she decided to rest her head on the toilet seat:)
Poor girl:(

Danika has been a pretty good big sis...she went to daycare on Thursday and Friday, but actually stayed home today because she (and I) have the nasty cold part of what Haddie is dealing with... D has been a little cranky and pretty uncomfortable with her stuffed up nose and cough. She actually vomited on Saturday night too, but I think it was mostly because of her coughing. Let's hope it doesn't get any worse for her!
Hopefully you are having a healthier September than this family! Maybe this means a sickness-free winter and we're getting it out of our system now?!?! One can hope:)

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