Hi Everyone! Sorry for the delayed post! It was a busy Monday! Last week was an eventful one!
Early in the week, we went to Dad's work and had lunch with him. We've done this a few times and it's so much fun! We love our extra time with dad since he's been working so often and so late, plus it's a nice break in his day to get to visit with us! All the Pioneer peeps like to see me and how much I'm growing.
Mom and I also got to go to Sam Davey and see her kindergarteners again. Boy oh boy, do those kiddos like to see me (and touch!) After school, the staff had a baby shower for mom and one of her co-workers who is having a baby in May. It was really fun to meet everyone that she works with...I snoozed through the whole baby shower as I was passed around by all the ladies! We got lots of nice gifts and are so thankful to everyone!
My not so favorite thing this week was that I had my 2 month checkup. Dr. Usher says I'm looking good and growing as I should be. I'm now 12 lbs. 2 oz. and 22 inches long. That puts me in the 75th Percentile for weight and 50th Percentile for height. Everything went pretty standard during my visit...that is until the nurse came in and jabbed me 3 times in the legs with the vaccinations!!!! I had a shrill cry for about 10 minutes, but then I feel asleep...for a lONG time. That afternoon when I finally woke up, I realized I didn't feel so good and my legs were in lots of pain! Below is a picture of what I looked like pretty much all afternoon. I wasn't screaming, but I was constantly crying for a few hours and just not comfortable! Mom and Dad felt so awful for me...there wasn't much they could do to comfort me, I just kept the tears comin'!
On a much lighter note, I had my baptism on Sunday! What a special day with many of the special people in my family. Below is a picture of me with mom and dad, Pastor Margaret, and my godparents, Auntie Lori and Uncle Mike.
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