What a great weekend of Easter fun filled with family:) Here I am all dressed up for church with my Easter bunny ears on!
For those of you that don't know, Easter is a special holiday for mom and dad because it's when dad surprised mom 4 years ago with a diamond in her Easter basket and asked her to marry him! That day was the beginning of their future together and they thought about the Easter's to come when they'd have a family and a little Daren/Jamie running around...Well, that day has finally come!
Here's our first family Easter picture! I was not too excited about all the pictures being taken and I had enough, so sorry mom and dad, but this is the best you get for this year!
On Saturday we had our Easter celebration at the farm with my Dummer family. All my cousins came and we had an Easter egg hunt outside (I'm so excited for next year when I can walk around and look for eggs outisde too with the big kids!) We also got Easter baskets from Grandma and Grandpa Dummer! Below is a picture of me and all my cousins on dad's side of the family... Chloe and Connor are 4, Madeline is 11 months and I'm 7 weeks old! (They were SO cute taking this picture!!!!)

Earlier in the week I got to visit friends. Mommy and Daddy made some new friends in their childbirthing class when they were preparing to have me...That couple had their baby the beginning of March so I'm 3 weeks older than him. This week, mom and I went to their house for a 'playdate' and a walk because it was so nice outside...Here is a picture of me and my new friend Elijah playing around on the floor (This was too cute...we layed them down next to each other and they both just happen to put their hands out and were facing each other-their little legs and feet were just kickin' and they were making noises....it was like they could sense and were stimulated by each other!)
I also got to meet another new 'boy'friend! Mommy and Daddy's good friends Brianna and Adam had their second child the end of March and his name is Graeden. Unfortunately, they didn't get a picture of us together. When there are 2 kids 6 weeks and under and also an 18 month old, there aren't many chances to sit still and pose! Maybe next time:)
Earlier in the week I got to visit friends. Mommy and Daddy made some new friends in their childbirthing class when they were preparing to have me...That couple had their baby the beginning of March so I'm 3 weeks older than him. This week, mom and I went to their house for a 'playdate' and a walk because it was so nice outside...Here is a picture of me and my new friend Elijah playing around on the floor (This was too cute...we layed them down next to each other and they both just happen to put their hands out and were facing each other-their little legs and feet were just kickin' and they were making noises....it was like they could sense and were stimulated by each other!)
The only other exciting news to share from my week was that I had my first big shopping trip to the Mall of America! I was actually really good! Again, no picture because mommy and Grandma Chris were too busy shopping!But of course being the 1 girl out of 6 grandchildren, I did get spoiled a little!
As far as my development goes, I continue to awe my mom and dad. I'm just so alert and I really focus on things now...I am really good at smiles too! Of course, the camera is never nearby...or mom and dad are just enjoying my smiles too much to look away and get the camera! I had a few nights this week that I slept for about 7 1/2 hours...but it's not consistently that long, although I have slept for 6 hours or more for nearly two weeks straight! As a result I have lots more awake time during the day. I like to look at bright colors and I make all kinds of cooing noises at the things I see too! Well, it's time for me to eat and I'm not too patient when it comes to that so I better go!
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