Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hi everyone:) To be honest, I don't have a whole lot to report this week, but I know you still like hearing from me and seeing what I've been up to so I'll babble for a little bit!
The week came and went pretty fast and I don't have much to show for it (You can blame that one on my mom...she didn't break out the camera hardly at all!)
I've had a nasty cold the last week and it started with lots of coughing and now the coughing has subsided, but my nose has turned on like a faucet. I've been so stuffed up that I'm not a fan of my pacifier or drinking my bottle this week because it's too hard to suck...I have to stop and take a break because I can't breathe out of my nose! I've still been pretty happy and in a great mood though:)
I continue to get stronger when I'm on my belly and turn circles, and scoot backwards. Sitting up is still currently my favorite play 'method' though. I started having a 3rd meal this week...lunchtime:) Amy gets to feed me everyday so mom and dad didn't know how it was going, but Amy assured them that I'm eating up my veggies at lunch time, just like the big kids (except mine are much mooshier:) At home, dinner time has become a bit of a game for me! Sometimes I gobble it right up, and other times I'm just not in the mood so mom and dad have to try again later in the night. I keep trying to get my point across to mom and dad that I can do it myself, but for some reason, they aren't buying it yet...maybe it's because I like to put more on my face than in my mouth?!?! Either way, I have fun with it:)

 This weekend mom and dad and me went to Weavers and we got some veggies and other food, as well as pumpkins and mums. I played while mom planted them and then of course, I was just looking too darn cute and happy to pass up a photo opportunity:)

Well, sorry to say, but that's about it for the week! Just a typical week in the life of Danika... Eat, Sleep, poop, play and go to daycare- Gotta love it:)
Talk to ya next week!!!!
Danika Jolee
(Mom and Dad too!)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

7 Months and Counting...

Hard to believe it, but I'm already 7 months old! Where did the time go? I'm growing like a weed and changing every day! I had a doctor appointment this week and I weight 17 pounds, 14 ounces. I'm in the 75% percentile for weight and 25% percentile for height. Dr. Stevenson says I'm growing right on track and I'm a happy and healthy baby. I was also due for some shots...4 of them to be exact! Oouucchh! I think it was more painful for mom to hear my blood curling scream when they poked the 4 needles in me, and I was sad at that moment to (obviously by the scream!) BUT, I actually am doing really well afterwards-best shot recovery yet! I had a mild low grade fever for about a day, but I was still as happy as could be and haven't had any reactions. That's pretty good for me considering I have a little cold on top of it!
Tummy time these days turns into circle time because I scoot in circles when I'm on the floor! Nothing forward or backwards yet, but I keep my arms busy turning me 'round and 'round. I can't quite get up on my knees by myself, but with a little help, I stay on them for quite a while and I get rocking back and forth. Mommy and daddy have LOTS of baby proofing to do before I become mobile! Yikes!

This week, mom had a few evening meetings so I had some great nights with dad! On Thursday, it was back to school night at mom's school so we went as a family for the chicken dinner. I met some of moms students and co-workers.
This weekend daddy and grandpa went to a Twin's game. Mom and I tagged along to drop them off and pick them up from the game so during the in between time what else would we do but shop:) (That's going to get us into trouble someday when I get bigger! SO many cute girl clothes!)

After sunday school and church today daddy, mommy and me went to an apple orchard and some nurseries to look at trees. I was not much of a napper earlier today so of course, as soon as we got to the apple orchard I fell asleep! Luckily, I woke up just in time before we left for a few quick pictures:)

-Sound asleep-

-checking out all the apple trees with mom-

-Who do you see? It's me in the apple tree!-

Here's a little bit of my likes and dislikes at 7 months:
I LOVE to... eat! read books, sit up and play with anything I can put in my mouth, eat my toes, and jump!
I DISLIKE... being left in a room alone, and when mom and dad don't feed me fast enough!
I CAN... sit on my own, push myself up off the floor (a little bit), turn in circles on the carpet, make some consonant sounds with my vowel babbles, and I'm beginning to reach and grasp for some small objects (working on my 'pincher' grasp wtih my thumb and pointer finger)

I hope everyone has a great week! Daddy begins working nights this week when the Combine comes on Wednesday so I'm not going to see too much of him for a few weeks:( Hopefully they have good weather and can get the harvest done quickly this year!!!!
Love and Hugs:)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy-O!!!

Today is my daddy's 27th birthday!
To celebrate, after church we went to the farm to hang out and have lunch with my Dummer family. I got to visit daddy in the barn and see all the new calfs...only 19 so far, but lots more to come. Maybe next year I'll get to help feed them:) I also had fun with Auntie Lori looking at and petting the kitties.
Another successful week at daycare here and gone. I've become really used to going to Amy's house and getting to know my new friends-especially Ally who is just a few months younger than me. The only downside about daycare is that I'm getting used to having bottles and I'm not so interested in nursing anymore, which is making it hard for mommy to keep up with me, so we've been supplementing (working towards making the switch) with formula. I don't even notice the difference, except I seem much happier now, like I'm actually getting enough to drink and getting full...that wasn't the case lately when it came to nursing (I think it's harder for mom than it is for me to make the switch!)

Lots of switches happened this week...I also made the switch to a big girl carseat!!! I LOVE it beacuse now I can sit up and look around. The only bad thing is that when I fall asleep, it's not quite as comfortable...

(See what I mean?!?! My poor neck!)

Over Labor Day Weekend we had a campfire and we roasted hotdogs and marshmallows. It was the perfect night for it!

Sophie Dog has also been a little more curious about me lately too. When I'm playing on the floor she tends to come and sit right next to me! (We'll see if that continues once I start to get on the move and try to grab her hair and ears and tail!) BUT for now, she's a great big sister and love hangin' out together:)

Well, sorry it's a short one this week, but I better go spend some time with my daddy!
Have a good week everyone:)
Love, Danika
Daren and Jamie

Monday, September 6, 2010


I forgot to mention that Danika's 6 month pictures are available to view online. Here's the shortcut:
The password is: jamie
You can enter your own email address if you'd like to view them.
Our photographer was Mary Moua and we thought she did a wonderful job. It was a beautiful day for pictures at Phoenix Park!
Here are a few...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Back to Work for Mom(sniff, sniff) Means FUN, FUN, FUN, for me!!

This was my first full week of daycare at Amy's house and I LOVED it! Of course, mom had a harder time than I did with our first drop off day, but once she realized how much fun I was having with all my new friends, she was happy too! I have 3 or 4 other friends that come to Amy's everyday and my best bud is Allie...she's 2 months younger than me and Amy tells mom that we are pretty good at entertaining each other. We do tummy time together and play with with blocks together, and we even seem to be on the same napping schedule!
Last weekend I got to spend a whole day at the farm with grandma and grandpa and Auntie Lori while mom and dad went to the Minnesota State Fair. Someday I'll get to experience it, but I'm pretty sure I would have been very crabby sitting in my stroller all day long in the heat and with ALL those people!!

I am still loving my food and it's probably about time for mom and dad to up my intake a little bit...not like I'm wasting away or anything, but when I'm hungry, I"M HUNGRY! And lately when my food is gone, I'm still hungry! I hope they get the hint pretty soon that my crying is for a reason, and the reason is I want more! I also am really showing mom and dad that I'm miss independent when it comes to drinking...if I'm having my milk in a bottle I want to hold it all by myself, and the same goes for my sippie cup!I'm such a big girl:)

We went to the final music in the park last Thursday night at Phoenix Park. We brought a blanket and some snacks and beverages and we just hung out and listened to the music. I stayed up way past my bedtime, but I was in such a good mood you couldn't even tell! I was bouncing all around to the music and as happy as could be! Hopefully we'll get to go more next then I'll be walking all around and might cause a little more trouble for mom and dad though!

Yesterday morning mommy ran in the 5 mile Buckshot Run at Carson Park so dad and I bundled up to go watch her. We heard the loud gun give a bang and off the runners went (all 600 of them!) We hung around and talked to people and before we knew it, 38 minutes later, mom was coming across the finish line. She was about the 100th finisher. She didn't place, but her time was better than last time so she was happy:) I had a blast watching the kids do the 2 mile and the fun run...I can't wait until I get bigger in a few years and then dad and I can do the fun run since he's not really up for running the longer races with mom:)

Well, that's about all we've been up to the last 2 weeks. I'm sitting in moms lap right now trying to touch and bang on every key so I think it's time to call it quits for now. Have a good week!
Love, Danika (and Daddy and Mommy too!)