Sunday, September 19, 2010

7 Months and Counting...

Hard to believe it, but I'm already 7 months old! Where did the time go? I'm growing like a weed and changing every day! I had a doctor appointment this week and I weight 17 pounds, 14 ounces. I'm in the 75% percentile for weight and 25% percentile for height. Dr. Stevenson says I'm growing right on track and I'm a happy and healthy baby. I was also due for some shots...4 of them to be exact! Oouucchh! I think it was more painful for mom to hear my blood curling scream when they poked the 4 needles in me, and I was sad at that moment to (obviously by the scream!) BUT, I actually am doing really well afterwards-best shot recovery yet! I had a mild low grade fever for about a day, but I was still as happy as could be and haven't had any reactions. That's pretty good for me considering I have a little cold on top of it!
Tummy time these days turns into circle time because I scoot in circles when I'm on the floor! Nothing forward or backwards yet, but I keep my arms busy turning me 'round and 'round. I can't quite get up on my knees by myself, but with a little help, I stay on them for quite a while and I get rocking back and forth. Mommy and daddy have LOTS of baby proofing to do before I become mobile! Yikes!

This week, mom had a few evening meetings so I had some great nights with dad! On Thursday, it was back to school night at mom's school so we went as a family for the chicken dinner. I met some of moms students and co-workers.
This weekend daddy and grandpa went to a Twin's game. Mom and I tagged along to drop them off and pick them up from the game so during the in between time what else would we do but shop:) (That's going to get us into trouble someday when I get bigger! SO many cute girl clothes!)

After sunday school and church today daddy, mommy and me went to an apple orchard and some nurseries to look at trees. I was not much of a napper earlier today so of course, as soon as we got to the apple orchard I fell asleep! Luckily, I woke up just in time before we left for a few quick pictures:)

-Sound asleep-

-checking out all the apple trees with mom-

-Who do you see? It's me in the apple tree!-

Here's a little bit of my likes and dislikes at 7 months:
I LOVE to... eat! read books, sit up and play with anything I can put in my mouth, eat my toes, and jump!
I DISLIKE... being left in a room alone, and when mom and dad don't feed me fast enough!
I CAN... sit on my own, push myself up off the floor (a little bit), turn in circles on the carpet, make some consonant sounds with my vowel babbles, and I'm beginning to reach and grasp for some small objects (working on my 'pincher' grasp wtih my thumb and pointer finger)

I hope everyone has a great week! Daddy begins working nights this week when the Combine comes on Wednesday so I'm not going to see too much of him for a few weeks:( Hopefully they have good weather and can get the harvest done quickly this year!!!!
Love and Hugs:)

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