Monday, February 14, 2011

Look Who's One Year Old!!!

Yep, you guessed it, it's me! Can you believe it? Well, I can't...and neither can my mom and dad. It's been the fastest year of our lives (well, the only year of my life!) I've grown and changed so much in just 12 short months. It's been the most challenging, and at the same time most absolutely amazing year for my mom and dad. What did they do with all their time before I came along?!?! Life couldn't have been nearly as fun or exciting, or fulfilling (although I'm sure they were much more well rested!)

Here's what I've been up to this week:

I LOVE getting tickled by my daddy... I've become super ticklish and I giggle a lot when I'm tickled!

 This picture doesn't have a lot of significance, but mom just loves the way the camera capture the lighting and my stunning blue eyes (and yes, the milk dribble on my chin as well:)

It's my's a little look at how I spent my day today...
I woke up and what else is there to do, but open a few presents! I was more interested in the paper than what was inside, but I had fun opening the bags;) 

Mom catching me right as I woke up...really? That woman is always all over me with that camera! I still have bedhead and even a little redmark on my head where I was pushing into my crib because I was sleeping so hard! 

Here's the best 12 month shot you're going to get...I'd rather turn over and crawl away as fast as I can than have to lay still for a picture! 

After a long day of Valentine Fun at daycare and celebrating my birthday with my friends, mom and dad took me to one of my favorite places for supper, Culvers ( no judging my mom and dad here...who doesn't like Culvers now and then?!?! I'm no exception!)

"I'm #71...please hurry, I'm hungry!"

"This butterburger is delicious!" 

Stopping for a quick picture with my mom...the only one we'd get today! 

After Culvers it was time to head back home and get naked to dive into my cupcake... 

Have I ever mentioned how I hate getting my hands dirty and having things stick to them?!?! That's what the frosting was like and I wasn't so sure about it...rather than licking my finger, I kept trying to flick it off! 

"I don't know about this thing...I'd rather smear it on my body than put it in my mouth!" 

"I've had enough already!..." 

"...Oh wait...there's still a piece of cake on my arm that I want to eat!" 

My big party is next Saturday so I'll have more birthday festivities to report on then!
Thanks for being a part of my life this year in one way or another...looking forward to many more years of memories, laughter, tears, stress and fun with all of you!!!
Valentine Love and Hugs,

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